Basic-Bug Brandon:
I THOUGHT! That...if I could...HELP HIM in some way...
(He points to a front-page article of Marvelous-Mantis Marty. It reads: "Love Bites: Beloved Icon Marty Consumed by Lover!") 
Basic-Bug Brandon:
Get him this, uh, this Girl that he loves...That maybe you know...
(He swirls Martin's mug of coffee with a troubled look, before taking a swig.)
Basic-Bug Brandon:
...Things would change for ME.
(He pats a box of Marty's possessions with a grin.)
Behind the scenes photos
Exploratory Mantis sketches with sculpted head and mouth plates
Exploratory Mantis sketches with sculpted head and mouth plates
Body armature draft and work-in-progress
Body armature draft and work-in-progress
Building the table
Building the table
Completed set
Completed set
Lighting and camera setup
Lighting and camera setup

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